Entanglement in Qutrit Systems

Authors: J. D. Huerta-Morales

Research in Computing Science, Vol. 131, pp. 9-13, 2017.

Abstract: Wootters concurrence is an entanglement measure for bipartite qubit systems. It is defined in terms of a spin inverter. Here, we try to generalize Wootters concurrence for qutrit systems by defining a naïve inverter analogous to the SU(2) qubit inverter given in terms of Pauli matrix s_y. For qutrits, the corresponding group is SU(3), so the inverter has to be given in terms of Gell-Mann matrices. The naïve inverter proposed here is given in terms of the Gell-Mann matrices analogous to s_yand we show that it can deliver equivalent information to that given by the formal inverter in just in certain cases.

PDF: Entanglement in Qutrit Systems
PDF: Entanglement in Qutrit Systems